what if?
hello dear people! :)
today was the charity carnival in ssc and my class did the WATER MAZE. we made close to a a thousand ringgit but then we only get 20% return so i think we suffered a loss. pfft. so useless.
but on the bright side. it was soo freaking FUN. and i finally learnt how to tie BALLONS. haha, lame right? i got to throw ballons at little kids. it makes me sound so evil. mwahehehehe.

but it was still fun. excluding the part where i was so dripping wet and covered with mud. THANK YOU DZAINAL. =.= haha.
and in another matter, my mom's car's windshield got smashed. *gasps* thats all i have to say on that. its so scary to think about it.
i posted something on facebook and it was something like this:
1st person to like this , you will be my profile pic for the day ; 2nd
person to like this , your last name will be my last name for 2 days ;
3rd person can dare me to do one thing ; 4th person, I will say I'm
in a relationship with you for a week. Put this status if you...
and sarah was the third person to like it and she dared me to do a layback spin. i WISH. layback spins are soo pretty to see.

you know, its so funny i have so many things to blog about when i'm not not blogging but the moment i sit in front of the computer i forget everything.
next thing is i went ot sri kl yesterday for the elocution competition i didnt participate, i was the 'supporter'.i felt like a freakshow. haha. and it was pretty fun because we begged and begged teacher to take us to mcd's and in the end she did even though she got STRICT instructions from ms.veni not to. ahahha. she's so nice :)
i bought MCFLURRY!! ICE-CREAM.....yummm...

thats all for now. BYE!

question for today: do you believe in love at first sight?
today was the charity carnival in ssc and my class did the WATER MAZE. we made close to a a thousand ringgit but then we only get 20% return so i think we suffered a loss. pfft. so useless.
but on the bright side. it was soo freaking FUN. and i finally learnt how to tie BALLONS. haha, lame right? i got to throw ballons at little kids. it makes me sound so evil. mwahehehehe.

but it was still fun. excluding the part where i was so dripping wet and covered with mud. THANK YOU DZAINAL. =.= haha.
and in another matter, my mom's car's windshield got smashed. *gasps* thats all i have to say on that. its so scary to think about it.
i posted something on facebook and it was something like this:
1st person to like this , you will be my profile pic for the day ; 2nd
person to like this , your last name will be my last name for 2 days ;
3rd person can dare me to do one thing ; 4th person, I will say I'm
in a relationship with you for a week. Put this status if you...
and sarah was the third person to like it and she dared me to do a layback spin. i WISH. layback spins are soo pretty to see.

you know, its so funny i have so many things to blog about when i'm not not blogging but the moment i sit in front of the computer i forget everything.
next thing is i went ot sri kl yesterday for the elocution competition i didnt participate, i was the 'supporter'.i felt like a freakshow. haha. and it was pretty fun because we begged and begged teacher to take us to mcd's and in the end she did even though she got STRICT instructions from ms.veni not to. ahahha. she's so nice :)
i bought MCFLURRY!! ICE-CREAM.....yummm...

thats all for now. BYE!

question for today: do you believe in love at first sight?
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