OMG its on your SHOULDER!
hello little earthlings from ,well, earth. :)
just came back from frasers and last night was the most terrifying night of my LIFE. okay, maybe not THAT terrifying. but lemme tell you what happenend.
i was sitting in my room in the 'ye olde smokehouse' in frasers, innocently reading a book at night while my brother and father was watching the FIFA world cup thingy.

when SUDDENLY a HUGE BUG which looks like a cross between a COKCROACH AND A CRICKET LANDED ON MY LEG. it is like slightly less than half the size of your palm. i was too freaked to scream so i just used my book and wacked the bug until it flew underneath my brother's bed.
then i was like, okay, i wont tell my brother. he'll never know. then halfway sleeping later my brother screamed and threw his pillow on the floor. he yelled that a cockroach had been crawling in his hair. O.O than i was like 'OMG, i'm so sorry i didnt tell you that i wacked the bug and made it fly underneath your bed.' then he was like'oh its okay, its 2.30 in the morning and YUCK I TOUCHED IT!'
and then i was like 'oh'. and i stared at the pillow on the floor and was all freaked out about the bug suddenly flying out. then SUDDENLY my brother screamed at me:
i jumped up and yelled 'get it off me, get it off me!'
but my 'macho' brother was too scared to TOUCH it so i ran towards him and he started running AWAY from me. WTH! and then i touched his shoulder and he jumped up.
so i ran to my parents room and jumped on my mom and my brother was like jumping on their bed like a freak with his legs shaking like crazy. and the stupid bug WAS STILL ON ME. then i asked my brother again: 'is it still on me?' and he was like 'yes, i think so.' then i started freaking out again. and then my mom yelled 'no it isnt on you!' and then i was like 'oh'. and then stopped panicking.
my dad switched on the light.
and then

He fa yelled: OMG, its still on you!
(fellow readers, that will be the last time i will ever trust my mom when she says something)
and then i started panicking and my dad PLUCKED it off me. haha, he wasn't even SCARED of it. he PLUCKED it off my back.
end of story.
and now, even the slightest of things that touch me i freak out. I was scared of my own PONYTAIL. how dumb is that?
well, thats all for now. byee! :)
just came back from frasers and last night was the most terrifying night of my LIFE. okay, maybe not THAT terrifying. but lemme tell you what happenend.
i was sitting in my room in the 'ye olde smokehouse' in frasers, innocently reading a book at night while my brother and father was watching the FIFA world cup thingy.

when SUDDENLY a HUGE BUG which looks like a cross between a COKCROACH AND A CRICKET LANDED ON MY LEG. it is like slightly less than half the size of your palm. i was too freaked to scream so i just used my book and wacked the bug until it flew underneath my brother's bed.
then i was like, okay, i wont tell my brother. he'll never know. then halfway sleeping later my brother screamed and threw his pillow on the floor. he yelled that a cockroach had been crawling in his hair. O.O than i was like 'OMG, i'm so sorry i didnt tell you that i wacked the bug and made it fly underneath your bed.' then he was like'oh its okay, its 2.30 in the morning and YUCK I TOUCHED IT!'
and then i was like 'oh'. and i stared at the pillow on the floor and was all freaked out about the bug suddenly flying out. then SUDDENLY my brother screamed at me:
i jumped up and yelled 'get it off me, get it off me!'
but my 'macho' brother was too scared to TOUCH it so i ran towards him and he started running AWAY from me. WTH! and then i touched his shoulder and he jumped up.
so i ran to my parents room and jumped on my mom and my brother was like jumping on their bed like a freak with his legs shaking like crazy. and the stupid bug WAS STILL ON ME. then i asked my brother again: 'is it still on me?' and he was like 'yes, i think so.' then i started freaking out again. and then my mom yelled 'no it isnt on you!' and then i was like 'oh'. and then stopped panicking.
my dad switched on the light.
and then

He fa yelled: OMG, its still on you!
(fellow readers, that will be the last time i will ever trust my mom when she says something)
and then i started panicking and my dad PLUCKED it off me. haha, he wasn't even SCARED of it. he PLUCKED it off my back.
end of story.
and now, even the slightest of things that touch me i freak out. I was scared of my own PONYTAIL. how dumb is that?
well, thats all for now. byee! :)
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