Young, way too young.
i have been looking through my pictures in facebook and i realised that i look like a twelve yr old. sigh..its so frustrating. haha.
i'm currently using my dad's laptop to use the internet and you have no idea how much nicer it is to type using a laptop compared to a normal computer.
So, we got our results back and so far i got 9A's and the other 2 i don't now yet.
yesterday, our school had tug of war against the houses and blue house class 1 guys won 1st place, class 2 boys got second, class 2 girls got second too and class one girls got thrid place. I think thats it. hmm..i'm not sure. its a bit hilarious though, they're facial expressions while they were all pulling the rope.

-little 'blue man' pulling a rope.
i was screaming like mad at the people pulling and i realised that i was the only one screaming so i winded down a little. tehe. everybody did a really good job though... really.
oh! and yesterday, my tie came off halfway through school and i was trying and trying to tie my tie and i finally got it in the end but it was a bit weird so i got somebody else to tie it for me instead ;) haha.

-this is how you tie a tie. :)
We had cheer practice yesterday in Monterez club and it was a bit messy here and dare and i was not really paying that much attention. OMG, do you know how much one bottle of hundred plus costs? Rm 3.00!!! O.o or does it always cost like that?

Last but not least, Aliah! Thank you so much for cropping the picture for me. :)
i'm currently using my dad's laptop to use the internet and you have no idea how much nicer it is to type using a laptop compared to a normal computer.
So, we got our results back and so far i got 9A's and the other 2 i don't now yet.
yesterday, our school had tug of war against the houses and blue house class 1 guys won 1st place, class 2 boys got second, class 2 girls got second too and class one girls got thrid place. I think thats it. hmm..i'm not sure. its a bit hilarious though, they're facial expressions while they were all pulling the rope.

-little 'blue man' pulling a rope.
i was screaming like mad at the people pulling and i realised that i was the only one screaming so i winded down a little. tehe. everybody did a really good job though... really.
oh! and yesterday, my tie came off halfway through school and i was trying and trying to tie my tie and i finally got it in the end but it was a bit weird so i got somebody else to tie it for me instead ;) haha.

-this is how you tie a tie. :)
We had cheer practice yesterday in Monterez club and it was a bit messy here and dare and i was not really paying that much attention. OMG, do you know how much one bottle of hundred plus costs? Rm 3.00!!! O.o or does it always cost like that?

Last but not least, Aliah! Thank you so much for cropping the picture for me. :)
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